More funding for Belmont and Manning Men's Sheds

More funding for Belmont and Manning Men's Sheds Main Image

10 September 2023

Zaneta Mascarenhas MP
Federal Member for Swan


Two local Men’s Sheds will receive a share of almost $670,000 in Australian Government funding to help them continue their important work in the community.

Federal Member for Swan Zaneta Mascarenhas announced today that Belmont Men’s Shed received $1,606 and Manning Men’s Shed $2,316 in funding as part of the National Shed Development Program.

Grants will be used to upgrade facilities, purchase equipment, and fund safety training for members.

Ms Mascarenhas said Men’s Sheds help men and boys find mateship and social support to help them stay mentally and physically healthy.

“I am so pleased that Manning and Belmont have received a funding grant in the latest Men’s Shed grant round,” said Ms Mascarenhas.

"Last week was Men's Shed Week, and it showcased what an important role our Shed's play in the community.

“These grants are going towards fantastic projects that will help local Sheds continue to provide a supportive place for people to focus on their health and wellbeing," she said.

Brian Carey from Belmont Men’s Shed today welcomed the funding and said it would ensure activities can be run all year round.

“This will mean that more of the guys will be able to continue with their activities at the shed throughout the summer,” he said.

Manning Men’s Shed President Kim Horne said the grant will be used to provide professional training for its members.

“Our aim is to have a happy and safe shed,” said Mr Horne.

“The funding will mean we can ensure that members are trained to use machinery safely and they can get the most out of their time with us.”

The Manning Men’s Shed is open 7 days a week and provides meaningful activities and companionship. Its activities include woodwork, CNC, knife making, metal work and gardening.

Belmont Men’s Shed is open 5 days a week and provides a wide range of activities including wood and metal work, toy making and furniture repair. It has relationships with over 30 other local community organisations and is involved in restoration projects around the City of Belmont.

Applications are currently open for the next round of grants of up to $10,000. Further grants are also available to replace or install defibrillators. See National Shed Development Program for more information.

MEDIA CONTACT: Melissa Robinson 0403 953 162 | (08) 9355 0099 (Perth) | (02) 6277 4860 (Canberra) | [email protected]