Financial abuse is an insidious form of family and domestic violence. I need your help to stop it.
Financial abuse can happen to anyone. It often escalates and happens alongside physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse.
Shenane is a Perth local and survivor of horrific domestic violence. It started with financial abuse.
Financial abuse is about control and can include –
- Controlling all your personal or household income
- Tracking your spending
- Using banking transactions to send abusive or threatening messages
- Forging your signature, forcing you to take out debt or taking out debt in your name behind your back
- Refusing to financially contribute
- Stopping you from working or forcing you to work
I’ve knocked on thousands of doors across Swan. Financial abuse isn’t a rare experience.
That’s why I brought this issue to Parliament and the national agenda.
That’s why there is now a Parliamentary Inquiry into financial abuse.
We need to make sure our laws, banks and agencies are better at spotting financial abuse so we can stop it.
You can help stop this happening to anyone else - sign the petition, share your story and help get the word out.